UK Jazz broadcast by Peter Slavid

Peter Slavid presented our track «Beromünster» in his jazz broadcast «Modern Jazz from around Europe»:

And any time on Mixcloud.com/ukjazz (check 07:00).

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Wolkenpark on Indie Block by DJ Leo

Wolkenpark will be featured with an interview and excerpts from our cd release gig the next two weeks on #newmusic#radioshow «Indie-Block» by DJ Leo. Listen and join us!
Broadcast dates «Indie-Block»:

  • Mo, 16. 1. 23, 21h Kanal K
  • Di. 17. 1. 23, 18h, Radio RaSA
  • Di, 17. 1. 23, 21h, Radio 4 TNG
  • Mi, 18. 1. 23, 16h, Radio Rasa
  • Do, 19. 1. 23, 20h, Radio15.ch
  • Di. 24. 1. 23, 18h, Radio RaSA
  • Di, 24. 1. 23, 21h, Radio 4 TNG
  • Mi, 25. 1. 23, 16h, Radio Rasa
  • Do, 26. 1. 23, 20h, Radio15.ch
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