Re-Reroute. Again.

We always change our setup for the better. Our goal is to provide the best live-composed music on stage. Many times we reroute the audio signal or the midi-clock signal.

Our two computers and iPad are interconnected, so we can change parameters from the other performance’s setup. This might be scary, but it’s necessary and very useful, when you have to compose in real-time.

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Acoustic Kolloquium ETH Zürich

The acoustic department of ETH Zürich organises regularly open lectures. The following event could be of interest to anybody interested in new acoustic technologies:

Entwicklung eines optischen Mikrofons ohne Membran
Kondensatormikrofone blicken auf eine erfolgreiche, rund 80-jährige Entwicklungsgeschichte zurück und stellen heute für präzise Schallwandlung den Marktstandard dar. Auf einem grundlegend anderen Prinzip beruht das optische Mikrofon ohne Membran, welches im Kolloquium vorgestellt wird. Mit Hilfe einer Laserdiode und einem miniaturisierten, starren Interferometer bestehend aus zwei parallelen Spiegeln, werden Schallwellen über Änderungen des Brechungsindex der Luft in ein proportionales elektrisches Signal gewandet. Das Mikrofon kommt dabei gänzlich ohne bewegliche Teile wie beispielsweise einer Membran aus, woraus sich eine Reihe von interessanten Eigenschaften und Vorteilen ergeben. Die gegenwärtige Produktentwicklung im Rahmen eines Start-ups soll präsentiert werden.

Balthasar Fischer, Dr., XARION Laser Acoustics GmbH, Wien
15. Mai 2013, 17:15 bis ca. 18:15 Uhr
Auditorium ETF-C1, Sternwartstrasse 7, 8092 Zürich.

This lecture is open to everybody

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Klangfaktur Impressions

The Klangfaktur Recording Studio is the place to master our tracks. The studio is led by Kriz and Rainer and besides mixing, mastering, composition and arranging they also offer recordings for bands and orchestras in their huge recording room (300 sqm), which is also used as live concert venue by the KiFF, one of the most important music clubs in Switzerland. Even live recordings are possible since each space in the house (3 stages) is connected to the studio.

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Guitar hero

Boss Tera Echo

Latest tool for live-composing is a boss pedal TE-2: Tera Echo. Using the Cue function of the Octatrack, I can send any track to this pedal and adding well-sounding delays to the ongoing Wolkenpark-Mix. The knobs are great for instant control and the hardest part is pushing the pedal down to activate or bypass the sound.

Control over sound and level is important during our live-playing. You’ll never know what will come next and that makes it so interesting.

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Melody drops

Have you ever found yourself whistling after a concert? We think, it’s a great thing.

Wolkenpark is currently working on “melody drops”. To enhance the musical live experience in a real-time composing environment, it’s important to find hooks or melody lines for the audience. Some of the groovy melody lines are written in advance and being rehearsed and some are improvised. When listening our to our rehearsal cuts, you’ll hear sometimes short melody lines, which you’ll probably memories easily.



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«Cheerful Waiting Room» at Art Basel in Miami

Again, we’ve scored another prize with the right track. «Cheerful Waiting Room» is a collaboration of trumpet player Kriz Flew (Indaba-Artist) and feature music composer Mehdi Khansari released under the brand «Wolkenpark».

The winner track «Cheerful Waiting Room» has been elected by Christie’s as background music for their Lounge at the Art Basel Exhibition in Miami 2011.

Kriz Flew has been listed among the winners. Check out the winners list.

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